* HIFI_Readme OD0081 1. Date and time of delivery: 2009-07-28 12:59 2. HIFI individual(s) to be contacted where problems arise with the delivery: - calibration manager: Michael Olberg - database administrator: Kevin Edwards 3. OD0081 (starting on 2009-08-02T16:21:44Z) 4. delivery: - HIFI_MC_P034_FULL_20_0_CUS.def - HIFI_MC_P034_FULL_20_0_CUS_CAL.xml - HIFI_SSF_OD0081.ssf - HIFI_AOR_OD0081.aor - HIFI_POS_OD0081.pos - HIFI_ICP_OD0081.icp - HIFI_DUR_OD0081.txt - HIFI_Readme_OD0081.txt - duration.sh 5. configuration control a) HIFI_PHS_P_032 b) - c) hifiphs_ops_pv@iccdb1.sron.rug.nl d) dp-hifi/dp-core/hcss-core: 372/579/403 6. AOR file issues a) HSpot: 4.2, PHS: 403, MPS: 403 b) 18 c) HSpot total time: 24:58:33 7. Spacecraft database issues a) MIB HERSCH_FM1_M_903062241 b) HPSDB unknown c) OBSM 6.2.1 8. n/a 9. applicable SxRs: the new CUS updates frequency ranges for the 7b purity test * 1868 to 1871 GHz for index 1 * 1878.5 to 1885.5 GHz for index 2 10. comments: * towards the end of the OD a raster map of oCeti is scheduled, which is compatible with gyro propagation. We are only using a small fraction of the DTCP so that the requirement of a one hour stable pointing period is fulfilled. 11. execute supplied script 'duration.sh 0081' in a directory where file HIFI_AOR_OD0081.aor exists and compare output (if any) with info listed under b) a) duration.sh b) Duration of HifiEng_diplexerscan_M1_COP with default parameters = 1073 Duration of HifiEngSetIntoPrimary with default parameters = 6 Duration of HifiEngSetIntoStandby_I with default parameters = 10 Duration of HifiEngSetIntoStandby_II with default parameters = 23 Duration of HifiEng_Stab_COP with default parameters = 1296 Duration of HifiEngSwitchonLO with default parameters = 384 Duration of HifiPointModeDBS with default parameters = 67 Duration of HifiPointModeFastDBS with default parameters = 55 Duration of HifiPointModeFSwitch with default parameters = 45 Duration of HifiPointModeFSwitchNoRef with default parameters = 20 Duration of HifiPointModeLoadChop with default parameters = 45 Duration of HifiPointModeLoadChopNoRef with default parameters = 20 Duration of HifiPointModePositionSwitch with default parameters = 37 Duration of HifiMappingModeDBSCross with default parameters = 537 Duration of HifiMappingModeDBSRaster with default parameters = 176 Duration of HifiMappingModeFastDBSCross with default parameters = 465 Duration of HifiMappingModeFastDBSRaster with default parameters = 152 Duration of HifiMappingModeFSwitchOTF with default parameters = 109 Duration of HifiMappingModeFSwitchOTFNoRef with default parameters = 26 Duration of HifiMappingModeLoadChopOTF with default parameters = 109 Duration of HifiMappingModeLoadChopOTFNoRef with default parameters = 26 Duration of HifiMappingModeOTF with default parameters = 75