######################################################################## # $Id:$ ######################################################################## # ## NAME: # # SpireTable_SpecSmecNominalSettings.txt # ######################################################################## # ## DESCRIPTION: # # Cal. table with nominal settings of SMEC; # # version Version number # Home SMEC Home position [Dec(Hex)] # - SMEC is put here at beginning and end # of observations and during PCAL Flashes # MoveSpeed Speed of SMEC movement when not spectrally scanning [mum/sec] # MoveCmd [Dec(Hex) associated Dec(Hex) number to command this speed # - DRCU cmds SetSScanFwdSpeed and SetSScanRevSpeed parameter # - value to set the SMEC movement speed given in MoveSpeed # Note, this is somewhat 'empirical' and not following the # formula given in the MCUCommandICD document! I.e you need # to command slightly more to get a certain speed. # encPwr encoder power level # ffOff feed forward offset # ffGain feed forward gain # s1Off encoder signal 1 offset # s2Off encoder signal 2 offset # lvdtScale lvdt scale # lvdtOff lvdt offset # kp proportional factor of the PID servo # ki integral factor of the PID servo # kd derivative factor of the PID servo # drvFlt derivative filter # intLim integral limit # rteLim rate limiter # traTim turn around time [millisec] # # Note: The given MoveSpeed (and associated MoveCmd) are only used # for moving the SMEC to a certain position e.g. in SpireProc_SmecMove. # The SMEC velocity for scanning is defined in SpireTable_Spectrometer. # ######################################################################## # ## HISTORY: # # M.Pohlen: # 2008/11/03 V0.1: Version copied from # Spectrometer.txt (v1.9 2007/04/20 16:47:26 kking) # adding in versioning # 2009/02/01 V0.2: (KJK) Changed to contain the non-operational SMEC parameters # Fixed bug in MoveCmd, should be 5250 and not 525 for 500u/sec # 2009/02/13 V0.3: (MP) Made some cosmetic changes to the header. Add in PID # parameter from SMEC_prime_settings (SDS 17th July 2008) # using only the 'sd_' and 'cold' values. # 2009/03/30 V0.4: (MP) Added some notes to the header. # 2009/07/06 V0.5: KJK SCR-1595 - Updated SMEC PID parameters following tests # in OD52. # 2009/07/07 V0.6: (MP) For last update two numbers s1Off and s2Off were # missed out. They are now changed (see SCR-SPIRE-1595) # ######################################################################## string int int int int int int int int int int int int int int int int int version Home MoveSpeed MoveCmd encPwr ffOff ffGain s1Off s2Off lvdtScale lvdtOff kp ki kd drvFlt intLim rteLim traTim v00 3500 500 5250 1 32241 11941 55000 46000 11874 7828 2000 1000 2000 2000 2000 300 900