(1) Date & Time of delivery: 01-July-2009, 12:30 CEST (2) ICC individual to be contacted when problems arise with the delivery: (1) M. Nielbock (2) V. Doublier-Pritchard (3) U. Klaas (4) H. Feuchtgruber (3) Time range for which the data being delivered is applicable e.g. coverage of OD: OD 0053 start: 2009-07-05T19:32:11Z end: 2009-07-06T07:49:58Z ref: Herschel Commissioning Phase Timeline, Build CW27_02 (issue 1) (4) Names of all files contained in the TAR file: PACS_MC_CoP_PV_2009-06-30A_FULL_10_0_CUS.def PACS_MC_CoP_PV_2009-06-30A_FULL_10_0_CUS_CAL.xml PACS_SSF_OD0053_1_0.ssf PACS_POS_OD0053_1_0.pos PACS_ICP_OD0053_1_0.icp PACS_AOR_OD0053_1_0.aor PACS_DUR_OD0053_compare_1_0.txt 2createOBSMODEtable.csh PACS_Readme_OD0053_1_0.txt (5) CUS script & Calibration files ICC internal configuration control issues: (a) Version and name of ICC mission configuration from which files were exported Version 10.0 of delivered Mission Configurations CoP_PV_2009-06-30A provided by: PACS_MC_CoP_PV_2009-06-30A_FULL_10_0_CUS.def PACS_MC_CoP_PV_2009-06-30A_FULL_10_0_CUS_CAL.xml (b) Name of the CVS Tag related to this delivery (if relevant) (c) Name of the ICC Database containing this delivery verification@pacs-up1.mpe.mpg.de (d) HCSS version used when working with these files Version 1.0.3 HCSS-CORE Build 396 DP-CORE Build 570 DP-PACS Build 381 schema 36 (6) AOR File issues: (a) HSpot, PHS & MPS versions used PACS Expert HSPOT Version 4.2 PHS Version 4.2 (Build 566) MPS based on HCSS 1.0.3 (b) Number of AOR files delivered in the .aor file 24 (c) Overall Time Estimation calculated by HSpot 11h34m20s (7) Spacecraft Database issues: (a) ICC MIB version applicable to these CUS & Calibration files merged: PACS_MIB 9.4 + Cryo MIB SPIRE_MIB 3.0.B2 PR HIFI_MIB 11.10 (b) HPSDB version that contains this MIB R_TM_HERSCH_FM1_M_901201146--HPSDB--FTS.zip (c) OBSM software version on the instrument applicable to this MIB DPU V9.03 (SUM 3.2 available) SPU HLSW V13.96 (SUM 13.96 available) DMC V6.028 (SUM available V4.8) (8) Go-ahead of the ICC CCB (if applicable): Okay given by U. Klaas (9) SXRs applicable to the updates of the scripts delivered in this release: PACS-1768 (10) Additional notes e.g. messages for mission planning, etc.: (a) default avoidance set-up used. (b) Number of SSOs scheduled on this OD: none (c) TC_COUNT = 1805 (d) TM_SIZE = 1009.23 MB (5 h buffer transmission/burst mode) (e) The AORs have been placed on the MTL according to timeline CW27_02. (f) A gap of 2h is introduced at the beginning of the schedule to allow for the SPIRE activity to be scheduled right after the DTCP. (g) Two stand-alone slews were added to the schedule bracketing the observations in the first RWL SOPS sub-window. Gaps were introduced between the slews and the adjacent AORs. (h) The order of the AORs must not be changed. (11) CusCmdscript output file: (a) Name of CusCmd Script 2createOBSMODEtable.csh Syntax to run this script: 2createOBSMODEtable.csh (b) Expected durations when this is run contained in PACS_DUR_OD0053_compare_1_0.txt