1. Date & Time of delivery 24 Sep 2012 15:20 UT 2. ICC individual to be contacted where problems arise with the delivery (1) Andreas Papageorgiou (Cardiff) andreas.papageorgiou@astro.cf.ac.uk Note: always copy spire@stfc.ac.uk 3. Cycle for which the data being delivered is applicable. Cycle 077 4. Delivery information - names of all files contained in the tar file SPIRE_AOR_C077_69_CAL.aor SPIRE_AOR_C077_69_ENG.aor SPIRE_CUS_THCP.py SPIRE_Duration.txt SPIRE_Readme_C077_69.txt SPIRE_AOR_C077_69_REDYandSTBY.aor SPIRE_MC_pv95_C077_69_CUS_CAL.xml SPIRE_MC_pv95_C077_69_CUS.def 5. Cus Script & Calibration files ICC internal configuration control issues (a) Name of ICC mission configuration from which files were exported (for reference purposes only) pvPhase_mconfig_95 (b) Name of the CVS Tag related to this delivery (if relevant) N/A (c) Name of the ICC Database containing this delivery (for reference purposes only) mps_phs_1 (d) HCSS Cus version used when working with these files HCSS 9.0, Build 2974 6. AOR File issues (a) HSpot, PHS & MPS versions used : Note if you don't use MPS then no need to mention it HSpot 6.1.1 PHS 718. But now using jre Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_02-b05), rather than build 1.6.0_22-b04 (see SXR http://herschel.esac.esa.int/jira/browse/PHS-1737 for further details). MPS 1387, HCSS Track 2.0 (b) Number of AOR files delivered in the .aor file CAL: 23 ENG: 3 (c) Overall Time Estimation calculated by HSpot - In Hours, Minutes & Seconds CAL: 4.2 (4:13:38 Hrs) ENG: 0.2 (0:12:30 Hrs) 7. Spacecraft Database issues (a) ICC MIB version applicable to these cus & calibration files SPIRE 4.0.02 PR (b) HPSDB version (if known) that contains this MIB HPSDB_MOC_HERSCH_CCS_issueMOC13_201110111030 (c) OBSM software version on the instrument applicable to this MIB the one currently loaded on the S/C 8. Go-ahead of the ICC CCB (if applicable) N/A 9. SxRs applicable to the updates of the scripts delivered in this release - If there is an ASTR Mission Configuration delivery, then flag the high level SxR which contains the list of SxRs since the last ASTR delivery that affect a released AOT + list other SxRs that are calibration MC specific SpireScr:4583 SpireScr:4585 10. Additional notes (a) Update Information : If this corresponds to an update since the last delivery, explain what the updates consist of e.g. 2 more AORs added. (c) Instructions for the Mission Planners - A list with all the solar system objects that are going to be observed. This will include specification of the constraints (if any) that has to be modified in the MPS properties file. Davida Cybele Hygiea **Important** - This new calibration MC includes updated AORs for the READY-STDBY scripts in the AOR file (SPIRE_AOR_C077_69_REDYandSTBY.aor) - There is also a new script called "SpireEngCheckPMAndOBSTables" which should be scheduled to run from the MTL daily instead of the current script "SpireEngCheckPM" *** Important Scheduling Instruction for future SPIRE-S ODs *** ==================================================================================================== Could you please ensure that the AOR SSpec-HR-Intermediate-Rep10-DarkSky, which was included in the cycle 70 delivery, is scheduled on those SPIRE-S ODs in which the following observations are also planned: (Priority 1) > OT2_abolatto_1-SWbarS FTS (20 reps, intermediate) > OT2_abolatto_1-SWbarN FTS (20 reps, intermediate) > OT2_abolatto_1-N66 FTS (20 reps, intermediate) > OT2_abolatto_1-N83 FTS (20 reps, intermediate) (Priority 2) > OT1_shony_1-SSpec-DiffuseRegion1 (20 reps, intermediate) > OT2_rindebet_1-NGC249 FTS (20 reps, intermediate) > OT2_rindebet_1-N76 FTS (15 reps, int) This AOR was previously successfully scheduled on SPIRE-S ODs featuring observations from the completed OT observing program OT1_jsmith01_1. Please note that this dark is in addition to the High Resolution dark observation routinely performed on SPIRE-S ODs. These intermediate mapping dark sky observations are needed for the final calibration of all SPIRE-S intermediate mapping observations. ==================================================================================================== #SPIRE-S observations for OD 1254-1255 ===================================================== Scheduling instructions (for obs marked with '*'): -------------------------------------------------- Note, after the REDY2STBY there is no longer the need to wait any time before the first science observation can be scheduled. However, it would still be nice if you could move any left-over seconds in the schedule to right after the REDY2STBY. The AOR 'SpireEngSmecLedLvdtGen1' should be run on the spectrometer day after the SPIRE checksum AOR (SpireEngCheckPMGen) leaving a 15min MOC reaction gap between the two (add HIFI check inbetween). This AOR must be run from SPIRE REDY mode before any cooler recycle. 1) You will need to schedule an additional High Resolution dark observation from the new AOR file RC_spec_darks_HR.aor (delivered on Mon Mar 26 2012) list. This should be done at least 2h after the REDY2STBY, and be of equal number (or more) of SMEC scans (repetitions) to the SOF1 or SOF2 science observation with the most HR scans (repetitions) in the day. 2) If Low Resolution science observations are planned, then you will also need to schedule an additional Low Resolution dark observation from the new AOR file RC_spec_darks_LR.aor (delivered on Mon Mar 26 2012) list. This should be done at least 2h after the REDY2STBY, and be of equal number (or more) of SMEC scans (repetitions) to the SOF1 or SOF2 science observation with the most LR scans (repetitions) in the day. 3) The 2 AORs SpireSpectroPointGn-HR-Rep4-Bright-highBias-DarkSky1 and SpireSpectroPointGn-LR-Rep4-Bright-highBias-DarkSky1 should be scheduled *after* the additional dark observation, as referred to in 1) above. Observations: ------------- - No Pointing: A:*SpireEngSmecLedLvdtGen1 - Dark Sky: B:*SpireSpectroPoint-HR-Rep4-Bright-highBias-DarkSky1 B:*SpireSpectroPoint-LR-Rep4-Bright-highBias-DarkSky1 - Others: C: SpireSpectroPointGen-HR-Rep4-IRC+10216 C: SpireSpectroPointGen-LR-Rep4-IRC+10216 C: SpireSpectroPointGen-HR-Rep4-RDor C: SpireSpectroPointGen-LR-Rep4-RDor A: SpireSpectroPointGen-HR-Rep4-AFGL4106 A: SpireSpectroPointGen-LR-Rep4-AFGL4106 C: SpireSpectroPointGen-HR-Rep4-VYCMa C: SpireSpectroPointGen-LR-Rep4-VYCMa Justifications: --------------- A: Covered by RCal Plan section 4.2.4 AOTs B: New standard darkSky for isBright setting C: Cross-calibration with HIFI/PACS (as agreed at the Schedule Planning meeting #130, 04 Sep 2012) #SPIRE-S observations for OD 1262-1263 ===================================================== Scheduling instructions (for obs marked with '*'): -------------------------------------------------- Note, after the REDY2STBY there is no longer the need to wait any time before the first science observation can be scheduled. However, it would still be nice if you could move any left-over seconds in the schedule to right after the REDY2STBY. The AOR 'SpireEngSmecLedLvdtGen2' should be run on the spectrometer day after the SPIRE checksum AOR (SpireEngCheckPMGen) leaving a 15min MOC reaction gap between the two (add HIFI check inbetween). This AOR must be run from SPIRE REDY mode before any cooler recycle. 1) You will need to schedule an additional High Resolution dark observation from the new AOR file RC_spec_darks_HR.aor (delivered on Mon Mar 26 2012) list. This should be done at least 2h after the REDY2STBY, and be of equal number (or more) of SMEC scans (repetitions) to the SOF1 or SOF2 science observation with the most HR scans (repetitions) in the day. 2) If Low Resolution science observations are planned, then you will also need to schedule an additional Low Resolution dark observation from the new AOR file RC_spec_darks_LR.aor (delivered on Mon Mar 26 2012) list. This should be done at least 2h after the REDY2STBY, and be of equal number (or more) of SMEC scans (repetitions) to the SOF1 or SOF2 science observation with the most LR scans (repetitions) in the day. 3) The 2 AORs SpireSpectroPointGn-HR-Rep4-Bright-highBias-DarkSky2 and SpireSpectroPointGn-LR-Rep4-Bright-highBias-DarkSky2 should be scheduled *after* the additional dark observation, as referred to in 1) above. Observations: ------------- - No Pointing: A:*SpireEngSmecLedLvdtGen2 - Dark Sky: B:*SpireSpectroPoint-HR-Rep4-Bright-highBias-DarkSky2 B:*SpireSpectroPoint-LR-Rep4-Bright-highBias-DarkSky2 - Asteroids: A: SpireSpectroPointGen-HR-Rep4-Hygiea A: SpireSpectroPointGen-LR-Rep4-Hygiea - Others: Justifications: --------------- A: Covered by RCal Plan section 4.2.4 AOTs B: New standard darkSky for isBright setting #SPIRE-P observations for OD 1264-1265 ===================================================== Scheduling instructions (for obs marked with '*'): -------------------------------------------------- Note, after the REDY2STBY there is no longer the need to wait any time before the first science observation can be scheduled. However, it would still be nice if you could move any left-over seconds in the schedule to right after the REDY2STBY. 1) The AORs SPhoto-PointS-Rep4-GammaDra and SPhoto-SmallM-Rep4-GammaDra should be performed contiguously. Observations: ------------- - Dark Sky: A: SPhoto-SmallM-Rep4-DarkSky - Asteroids: A: SPhoto-SmallM-Rep4-Davida A: SPhoto-SmallM-Rep4-Cybele A: SPhoto-SmallM-Rep4-Hygiea - Gamma Dra: A:*SPhoto-PointS-Rep4-GammaDra A:*SPhoto-SmallM-Rep4-GammaDra - Others: A: SPhoto-SmallM-Rep4-OmegaCap A: SPhoto-SmallM-Rep4-AlphaHya A: SPhoto-SmallM-Rep4-BetaGem Justifications: --------------- A: Covered by RCal Plan section 4.2.4 AOTs #SPIRE (in REDY mode) observations for OD 1266 ================================================================== Scheduling instructions (for obs marked with '*'): -------------------------------------------------- 1) SpireEngDumpMemoryGen must be run from SPIRE REDY mode and does not require the instrument to be cold. The AOR should be scheduled about bi-weekly (14+-3 days). In cycle 76 we have requested that this AOR be scheduled in OD 1251. For this cycle we propose to schedule it in OD 1266. Observations: ------------- - No Pointing: A:*SpireEngDumpMemoryGen Justifications: --------------- A: A health monitoring AOR to be added to the SPIRE RCal Plan. 11. CusCmdscript output file (see note below) (a) Name of CusCmdScript SPIRE_CUS_THCP.py (b) Expected durations when this is run SPIRE_Duration.txt