PACS calibration file set v65 incorporates the following differences from the previous community release, v60:
Update of the spectrometer calibration product: TelescopeBackground to version v8. The update consists in a correction of the absolute flux calibration scheme, now consistent with the same set of calibrators as used for the calibration block (excluding Uranus and Neptune). Additionally, this version has a better coverage of the wavelength range than the previous versions.
Changes for the spectrometer telescope background correction calfiles (PCalSpectrometer_TelBackCorB3A_FM, ...) related to the TelescopeBackground calfile version 8.
New version (v4) of the PointSourceLoss product with an update of "fractionCentral_to_3x3" and "fraction3x3_to_total". These datasets contain the flux fraction of the central spaxel with respect to the central 3x3 spaxels and the flux fraction of the central 3x3 spatial pixels with respect to the total flux. The update takes into account an improvement of our knowledge of the PACS spectrometer beams, that was made possible by the improvement of the satellite pointing reconstruction. Additional measurements were also included in the derivation of these new correction curves, namely the 'fine rasters' (0.5 arcsec step) were used, along with the original ones (2.5 arcsec step).
The following calibration products have been updated: