""" Set the paths to the directories where the scripts are saved and where the data products should be saved. """ scriptsDir = "/the/scripts/directory/" dataDir = "/the/data/directory/" """ Reduce all the obsid pairs with JScanam. After this step the L2.5 red and blue frames products will be saved in dataDir. """ camera = "red" execfile(scriptsDir + "processFrames.py") camera = "blue" execfile(scriptsDir + "processFrames.py") """ Align the frames using a common reference. After this step the L2.5 red and blue aligned frames products will be saved in dataDir. """ camera = "red" execfile(scriptsDir + "alignFrames.py") camera = "blue" execfile(scriptsDir + "alignFrames.py") """ Create the final maps """ field = "fornax" pixfrac = 0.1 outputPixelSize= 3.2 crota = 0 obsids = [1342240316, 1342240317, 1342240276, 1342240278] execfile(scriptsDir + "createMaps.py") fields = ["fornax"] redOffset = -0.00200930096307 blueOffset = -0.000128435421547 execfile(scriptsDir + "combineMaps.py") fields = ["fornax"] maxSignal = 4 exponent = 1.0 multiplicativeFactor = 70 execfile(scriptsDir + "createRgbMaps.py")