!! ********** First-Herschel ************ !! ******* File C:\ASAP70\projects\Herschel\Scunsh_Cryost.inr !! *** Dimensions adapted to present design (2001-09(month)-05(day)) !! *** Version 2001-09(month)-13(day) RESET; $ECHO; $IO OUTPUT CANCEL $IO VECTOR REWIND; $IO PLOT REWIND; SYSTEM NEW !!XMEMORY NORM 'C:\ASAP70\projects\Herschel\ASAP.PGS' !! ********************************************************************** !! ******* Coordinate system as in FIRST-Doc. ********** !! Heaven in +X direction, Sunshade in +Y direction !! **************** Sunshade **************** !! ** Note: Sunshade defined as one plane only up to now. ** !! It could be necessary to implement a second plane !! in 50 mm distance, in order to calculate double !! diffraction from sunlight, and if the straylight from the potential struts !! at the +/-Y edges of the sunshade has to be calculated. !! In order to account for the thickness of the MLI inside the sunshade, !! the Z coordinate is reduced by the Sunshade MLI thickness SHMLI !! (nominal 8.2 mm, according to Procurement Specification for FIRST MLI, !! FIRST-PS-BCB00.001, issue 01 dated 11.08.2000, page 21. !! However, MIL in reality is wavy and therefore here SHMLI is set to a !! worst case value of 12 mm (tbc)) !! At present also the potential struts to the +/- Y edges at the !! sunshade are N O T implemented. !! With this present design, these struts would scatter / reflect !! D I R E C T sunlight onto the primary (and secondary?) mirror !! (unless the space between sunshade and this strut will be neatly covered !! with MLI or similar). !! This design therefore at present is considered highly critical from !! straylight point of view and therefore is not a desired straylight design !! **** 1. Coordinates of Sunshade center ****** SHMLI=12 !! MLI thickness on sunshade XCSH1=40; YCSH1=750; ZCSH1R=1800; ZCSH1=ZCSH1R-SHMLI XCSH2=XCSH1; YCSH2=-YCSH1; ZCSH2=ZCSH1 !! definition of edge points XCSH3=5975; YCSH3=-YCSH1; ZCSH3=ZCSH1 !! Xi, Yi, Zi on sunshade XCSH4=6295; YCSH4=-235; ZCSH4=ZCSH1 XCSH5=XCSH4; YCSH5=-YCSH4; ZCSH5=ZCSH1 XCSH6=XCSH3; YCSH6=YCSH1; ZCSH6=ZCSH1 !! **** 2. Sides right and left ******* ALP=36.5 !! ** Angle of sides against Z-plane DEVY=-SHMLI*SIN[ALP]; DEVZ=-SHMLI*COS[ALP] XRSH1=XCSH1; YRSH1=YCSH1+1500*COS[ALP]+DEVY; ZRSH1=ZCSH1R-1500*SIN[ALP]+DEVZ XRSH2=XCSH1; YRSH2=YCSH1+DEVY; ZRSH2=ZCSH1R+DEVZ XRSH3=XCSH6; YRSH3=YCSH6+DEVY; ZRSH3=ZCSH1R+DEVZ XRSH4=4650; YRSH4=YRSH1; ZRSH4=ZRSH1 XLSH1=XRSH1; YLSH1=-YRSH1; ZLSH1=ZRSH1 XLSH2=XRSH2; YLSH2=-YRSH2; ZLSH2=ZRSH2 XLSH3=XRSH3; YLSH3=-YRSH3; ZLSH3=ZRSH3 XLSH4=XRSH4; YLSH4=-YRSH4; ZLSH4=ZRSH4 !!$SCR 5 !! These 7 lines are for test purpose only !!ZCSH2= \ZCSH2. \ !!ZRSH1-4=\ZRSH1. \ \ZRSH2. \ \ZRSH3. \ \ZRSH4. \ !!YRSH1-4=\YRSH1. \ \YRSH2. \ \YRSH3. \ \YRSH4. \ !!YLSH1-4=\YLSH1. \ \YLSH2. \ \YLSH3. \ \YLSH4. \ !!ZLSH1-4=\ZLSH1. \ \ZLSH2. \ \ZLSH3. \ \ZLSH4. \ !!$IO !! ************ Final definition of Sunshade ************* BRANCH SUNSHADE SURFACE; PLANE POINTS (XCSH1) (YCSH1) (ZCSH1) (XCSH2) (YCSH2) (ZCSH2), (XCSH5) (YCSH5) (ZCSH5) EDGE POINTS (XCSH1) (YCSH1) (ZCSH1) 1 (XCSH2) (YCSH2) (ZCSH2) 1, (XCSH3) (YCSH3) (ZCSH3) 1 (XCSH4) (YCSH4) (ZCSH4) 1, (XCSH5) (YCSH5) (ZCSH5) 1 (XCSH6) (YCSH6) (ZCSH6) 1 OBJECT; 0.1 REDEFINE SURFACE 0.2 'CENTSHADE' SURFACE; PLANE POINTS (XRSH1) (YRSH1) (ZRSH1) (XRSH2) (YRSH2) (ZRSH2), (XRSH3) (YRSH3) (ZRSH3) EDGE POINTS (XRSH1) (YRSH1) (ZRSH1) 1 (XRSH2) (YRSH2) (ZRSH2) 1, (XRSH3) (YRSH3) (ZRSH3) 1 (XRSH4) (YRSH4) (ZRSH4) 1 OBJECT; 0.1 REDEFINE SURFACE 0.2 'RIGHTSHADE' SURFACE; PLANE POINTS (XLSH1) (YLSH1) (ZLSH1) (XLSH2) (YLSH2) (ZLSH2), (XLSH3) (YLSH3) (ZLSH3) EDGE POINTS (XLSH1) (YLSH1) (ZLSH1) 1 (XLSH2) (YLSH2) (ZLSH2) 1, (XLSH3) (YLSH3) (ZLSH3) 1 (XLSH4) (YLSH4) (ZLSH4) 1 OBJECT; 0.1 REDEFINE SURFACE 0.2 'LEFTSHADE' !! ************** Cryostat Cavity and CVV *************** !! ** input according to present design, !! ** mainly acc. to unreleased drawing received from H.W.Peltz, 20.7.01 XCAVTOP=2903 !! Cryostat Cavity top X-coordinate RHLCAV=115 !! Radius of hole in Cryostat Cavity entrance RHLCRY=130 !! Radius of cryostat hole SHTHKTOP=2 !! Shield thickn. of Cryo Cavity top XMINCAVT=XCAVTOP-SHTHKTOP !! -X side of Cryostat Cavity top plate XCVVT=2526 !! X-Coordinate of CVV top RCVVEDGE=0.98 !! Radius of diaphragm at CVV knife edge CVVTHKT=4.27; CVVTHKB=10.05 !! Top and bottom ticknesses of CVV CVVANG=95.1/2 !! diaphragm cut angles of CVV hole (against X-axis) RHLCVVE=RHLCRY+RCVVEDGE !! Effective radius of diaphragm torus RHLCVVT=RHLCRY+(CVVTHKT-RCVVEDGE*(1-TAN[CVVANG/2]))*TAN[CVVANG] !! R.hole t. CVV RHLCVVB=RHLCRY+(CVVTHKB-RCVVEDGE*(1-TAN[CVVANG/2]))*TAN[CVVANG] !! R.hole b. CVV ROUTCAV=420 !! Outer radius of cryostat cavitiy XCVVB=XCVVT-CVVTHKT-CVVTHKB !! X-coord. of bottom surface of CVV XCVVC=XCVVT-CVVTHKT !! X-c. center of CVV knife edge RTORUS=RHLCRY+RCVVEDGE !! Radius of CVV knife edge center RTUBE=RHLCRY+RCVVEDGE*(1-COS[CVVANG]) !! R. tube at conn. point to CVV kn. edge XTBCVVT=XCVVC+RCVVEDGE*SIN[CVVANG] !! X-c. at top conn. pt. to CVV kn. edge XTBCVVB=XCVVC-RCVVEDGE*SIN[CVVANG] !! X-c. at bot. conn. pt. to CVV kn. edge !! Coordin. and dimensions of cryoshield (Cover) (preliminary) CRCOVR=145; CRCOVA=122.5; CRCOVX=XCVVT+208; CRCOVZ=267 BRANCH CRYOCAVY SURFACE; PLANE X (XCAVTOP) ELLIP 2@(ROUTCAV) (RHLCAV/ROUTCAV) OBJECT; 0.1 'OUTCAVT' !! Top surface of cryostat cavity + X cover SURFACE; PLANE X (XMINCAVT) ELLIP 2@(ROUTCAV) (RHLCAV/ROUTCAV) OBJECT; 0.1 'OUTCAVB' !! Bottom surface of cryostat cavity +X cover SURFACE; TUBE X (XCAVTOP) 2@(RHLCAV) (XMINCAVT) 2@(RHLCAV) OBJECT; 0.1 'CAVTPE' !! Cryostat Cavity top plate inner edge SURFACE; TUBE X (XCAVTOP) 2@(ROUTCAV) (XCVVC) 2@(ROUTCAV) OBJECT; 0.1 'CAVOTUBE' !! Outer tube limit SURFACE; PLANE Z (-CRCOVZ) ELLIP 2@(CRCOVR) OBJECT; 0.1 'CRYCOVER' !! Cryo cover (inner side only, in open position) SHIFT X (CRCOVX) ROTATE Y (CRCOVA-90) (-CRCOVZ) (CRCOVX) BRANCH CVV SURFACE; PLANE X (XCVVT) ELLIP 2@(ROUTCAV) (RHLCVVT/ROUTCAV) OBJECT; 0.1 'CVVPT' !! CVV Plate top SURFACE; PLANE X (XCVVB) ELLIP 2@(ROUTCAV) (RHLCVVB/ROUTCAV) OBJECT; 0.1 'CVVPB' !! CVV Plate bottom SURFACE; TORUS X (XCVVC) (RTORUS) (RCVVEDGE) OBJECT; 0.1 'CVVTOR' !! Knife edge of CVV SURFACE; TUBE X (XTBCVVT) 2@(RTUBE) (XCVVT) 2@(RHLCVVT) OBJECT; 0.1 'CVVTUBET' !! Phased cone betw. CVV top surf. and knife edge SURFACE; TUBE X (XTBCVVB) 2@(RTUBE) (XCVVB) 2@(RHLCVVB) OBJECT; 0.1 'CVVTUBEB' !! Phased cone betw. CVV bottom surf. + knife edge !! ********** Rad. shields and Instr. shield ********** !! ++ Dim. acc. to unreleased drawing received from H.W.Peltz, 20.7.01 RCRADSH=0.25 !! Rad. shield inner curve radius RRADSH=RHLCRY+RCRADSH !! Radius of rad. shield torus RBAF=RHLCRY+6; HXBAF=5 !! Radius / height of Baffle cylinder RORADS=147 !! Virtual outer radius of radiation shields. In order to limit !! the calc., this is set to the outer diam. of the baffle ring. !! It then is also used in branch "virtual" !! RORADS=170 !! For test purpose only (sensitivity of result against RORADS) RINSTSH=3172.76 !! Inst. shield total radius RHLINSTS=135 !! Radius of hole in Instr. shield ROINSTS=300 !! Virtual out. limit. of area below inst.sh., to limit calc. LRINRS=1.2*RHLCRY !! Virtual out. limit betw. instr. shield and rad. shield 1 DXIN=RINSTSH-SQRT(RINSTSH^2-RHLINSTS^2) !! Corr. of Instr.sh. X-coord. to center XSHLDT3=2475.64; XSHLDB3=XSHLDT3-1 !! X-coord. shield 3 XSHLDT2=2443.62; XSHLDB2=XSHLDT2-1 XSHLDT1=2408.60; XSHLDB1=XSHLDT1-1 XSHLDT0=2379.23; XSHLDB0=XSHLDT0-0.8 !! X-coord. shield 0 (Instr. shield) !! ** MLI layers on Rad. shields and on Instr. shield MLITH1=7; MLITH2=10.5; MLITH3=14 !! thickn. MLI on Rad. shield 1-3 MLID1=5; MLID2=4; MLID3=3 !! distances from attachment plate MLITH0=7; MLID0=5 !! thickn. and dist. of MLI on inst. sh. $DO 0 3 { MLIIR?=RHLCRY+7+MLITH?/2 !! MLI inner radius (radius of torus) XMLITL?=XSHLDT?+MLID?+MLITH? !! X-coord. of MLI top layer } BRANCH RADSHIELDS !! Each shield consist of -Top + bottom surf., inner rad. RHLCRY+RCRADSH=RRADSH !! -Torus of large radius RRADSH and small radius !! RCRADSH at top and bottom each !! -cylindr. tube of radius RHLCRY to connect both torus !! -baffle tube at radius RBAF with height HXBAF !! -MLI top layer and MLI inner torus !! Outer limit is set to RODADS !! For more details see C:\ASAP70\Projects\Herschel\Doc\Blend-geom.dsf $DO 1 3 { $IF ? EQ 1; $GO abc BRANCH ^.RADSH? $GO def abc BRANCH .RADSH? def SURFACE; PLANE X (XSHLDT?) ELLIP 2@(RORADS) (RRADSH/RORADS) OBJECT; 0.1 'SHLDT?' !! Top surface of sield ? SURFACE; PLANE X (XSHLDB?) ELLIP 2@(RORADS) (RRADSH/RORADS) OBJECT; 0.1 'SHLDB?' !! Bottom surface of sield ? SURFACE; TORUS X (XSHLDT?-RCRADSH) (RRADSH) (RCRADSH) OBJECT; 0.1 'TORSHT?' !! curvature of shield ? at top SURFACE; TORUS X (XSHLDB?+RCRADSH) (RRADSH) (RCRADSH) OBJECT; 0.1 'TORSHB?' !! curvature of shield ? at bottom SURFACE; TUBE X (XSHLDT?-RCRADSH) 2@(RHLCRY) (XSHLDB?+RCRADSH) 2@(RHLCRY) OBJECT; 0.1 'TUBESH?' !! Radiation shield vane inner tube SURFACE; TUBE X (XSHLDT?) 2@(RBAF) (XSHLDT?+HXBAF) 2@(RBAF) OBJECT; 0.1 'TUBEBAF?' !! Radiation shield baffle tube SURFACE; PLANE X (XMLITL?) ELLIP 2@(RORADS) (MLIIR?/RORADS) OBJECT; 0.1 'MLITOP?' !! MLI ? top layer SURFACE; TORUS X (XMLITL?-MLITH?/2) (MLIIR?) (MLITH?/2) OBJECT; 0.1 'TORMLI?' !! MLI ? inner torus } BRANCH INSTRSH SURFACE; OPTICAL X (XSHLDT0+DXIN) (-RINSTSH) ELLIP 2@(LRINRS) (RHLINSTS/LRINRS) OBJECT; 0.1 'SHLDT0' !! Instr. Shield top SURFACE OPTICAL X (XSHLDB0+DXIN) (-RINSTSH) ELLIP 2@(ROINSTS) (RHLINSTS/ROINSTS) OBJECT; 0.1 'SHLDB0' !! Instr. shield bottom SURFACE; TUBE X (XSHLDT0) 2@(RHLINSTS) (XSHLDB0) 2@(RHLINSTS) OBJECT; 0.1 'TUBESH0' !! Tube (edge) between top and bottom SURFACE; OPTICAL X (XMLITL0+DXIN) (-RINSTSH) ELLIP 2@(ROINSTS) (MLIIR0/ROINSTS) OBJECT; 0.1 'MLITOP0' !! MLI 0 top layer DEL=SQRT(RINSTSH^2-RHLINSTS^2)-SQRT(RINSTSH^2-MLIIR0^2) SURFACE; TORUS X (XSHLDT0-DEL+MLID0+MLITH0/2) (MLIIR0) (MLITH0/2) OBJECT; 0.1 'TORMLI0' !! MLI 0 inner torus !!A=XSHLDT0-DEL+MLID0+MLITH0/2 !! These 4 lines are !!$SCR 2 !! for test purposes only !!DXIN=\DXIN. \ XSHLDTO=\XSHLDT0. \ XMLITL0=\XMLITL0. \ MLIIR0=\MLIIR0. \ !!DEL= \DEL. \ MLID0= \MLID0. \ MLITH0= \MLITH0. \ A=\A. \ BRANCH VIRTUAL !! In this branch there are some limiting surfaces which do not !! exist in reality, but are defined such to restrict the !! straylight calculations to the (eventually) important cases. !! These surfaces therefore have absorbing properties LRMIRCAV=2*RHLCRY !! Radius for strayl.: - betw. telesc. and cryost. cav. LRINSTS=2*RHLCRY !! - below instr. shield !! other limit. radii RORADS + LRINRS are def. already XLIM=XSHLDT0+SQRT(RINSTSH^2-LRINRS^2)-SQRT(RINSTSH^2-RHLINSTS^2) XLIM2=XSHLDB0-SQRT(RINSTSH^2-RHLINSTS^2)+SQRT(RINSTSH^2-LRINSTS^2) XINSTR=XSHLDB0-100 !! PRELIMINARY VALUE ONLY, NUMBER DEFINE DISTANCE BETW. !! INSTRUMENT SHIELD AND INSTRUMENT COVERS +X !! BE CAREFUL LATER THAT THIS COORDINATE DOES NOT !! PENETRATE INSTRUMENTS SURFACE; TUBE X (XCAVTOP) 2@(LRMIRCAV) (XCAVTOP+200) 2@(LRMIRCAV) OBJECT; 0.1 'LMIRCAV' !! Y,Z-Limit between telescope and cryostat cavity SURFACE; TUBE X (XCVVC) 2@(RORADS) (XSHLDB1) 2@(RORADS) OBJECT; 0.1 'LRADSH' !! Y,Z-Limit in radiation shields SURFACE; TUBE X (XLIM) 2@(LRINRS) (XSHLDB1) 2@(LRINRS) OBJECT; 0.1 'LINRS' !! Y,Z-Limit between instr. shield and rad. shield 1 SURFACE; TUBE X (XLIM2) 2@(LRINSTS) (XINSTR) 2@(LRINSTS) OBJECT; 0.1 'LINSTS' !! Y,Z-Limit below instr. shield !! ******** Input additional shields below Instr. Shield (OPTION) ******* !! can be implemented by $ASK ADDSH <> 1 ADDSH=0 $ASK ADDSH 'add. shields below Instr. Shield, if ADDSH<>0' $IF (ADDSH) EQ 0; $GO noaddsh !! Front and rear sides not yet defined separately !! STILL TO BE UPDATED: XBLND; A; B; C; D XBLND=(XSHLDT0-30); A=100; B=90; C=-20; D=50 BRANCH ADDSHLD SURFACE; PLANE X (XBLND) RECT (A) SHIFT 0 (A+B) -(A+C) OBJECT; 0.1 'BLENDTA' SURFACE; PLANE X (XBLND) RECT (A) SHIFT 0 (-A-B) -(A+C) OBJECT; 0.1 'BLENDTB' SURFACE; PLANE X (XBLND) RECT (B*1.1) SHIFT Z -(B*1.1+D) OBJECT; 0.1 'BLENDTC' noaddsh !!CONSIDER EXCEPT LMIRCAV LRADSH LINRS LINSTS !!PLOT FACETS 3 3 CONSIDER ALL !!$IO !! ************************************************************************ !! ******** Definition of Edges for SCATTERING targets ************ !! ** Target for scattering at sunshade: ** only scattering to the primary !! mirror in a very small area, where the rays hit very close to -X direction, !! may be important (angle SCATANG1). For other directions (main mirror hole, !! struts) the direct irrad. from earth and moon is much more important. !! An exception may be the thermal radiation, because here the radiating surface !! angle is large compared to the radiating surface angles of earth and moon. SCATANG1=3 XED1=-10000000; YED1=-XED1*TAN[SCATANG1]; ZED1=YED1 EDGE; ELLIPSE X (XED1) (YED1) (ZED1) !! OBJECT; 0.1 'ED1' !! *** activate for test only PRINT EDGE 0.1; $GRAB 'CURVEDG' TARSUNSH !! TRSUNSHL, R for left and right Sunsh. eventually to be defined separarately !! ** Target for scattering at +X sides of cryostat etc. ** !! The most effective scattering path most likely is scatt. via the secondary !! mirror (if can be seen from scattering location). !! However, in order to be sure not to miss any eventually important other !! path, the scattering target is enlarged (preliminarily) to a far field !! cone of +/- SCATANG2 (prelim. value 30 degrees). SCATANG2=30 XED2=1000000; YED2=XED2*TAN[SCATANG2]; ZED2=YED2 EDGE; ELLIPSE X (XED2) (YED2) (ZED2) !! OBJECT; 0.1 'ED2' !! *** activate for test only PRINT EDGE 0.1; $GRAB 'CURVEDG' TARPLUS !! ** Target for scattering at -X sides of cryostat etc. ** !! most effective scattering paths are likely to be those close to -X axis. !! However, in order to be sure not to miss any eventually important other !! path, the scattering target is enlarged (preliminarily) to a far field !! cone of +/- SCATANG3 (prelim. value 30 degrees). SCATANG3=30 XED3=-1000000; YED3=-XED3*TAN[SCATANG3]; ZED3=YED3 EDGE; ELLIPSE X (XED3) (YED3) (ZED3) !! OBJECT; 0.1 'ED3' !! *** activate for test only PRINT EDGE 0.1; $GRAB 'CURVEDG' TARMINUS !! ** Additional target for scattering of Cryostat Cover ** !! Other effective scattering paths here are likely to be those into Z direction SCATANG4=30 ZED4=1000000; XED4=ZED4*TAN[SCATANG4]; YED4=XED4 EDGE; RECT Z (ZED4) (XED4) (YED4) !! OBJECT; 0.1 'ED4' !! *** activate for test only PRINT EDGE 0.1; $GRAB 'CURVEDG' TARCOVER !!$IO OUTPUT 6 !! ********************************************************************* !! ********* Input of reflecting/scattering properties ******** !! .... PRELIMINARY DATA, TO BE UPDATED ..... NSCAT=2 !! Number of scattered rays per input ray $ASK NSCAT 'Number of scattered rays per input ray' !! *********** preliminary defin. of coating properties ********* COATING PROPERTIES 0.98 0 'REFL' 0 1 'TRANS' 0 0 'ABSORB' !! *********** Scatter models ************** WL=0.1 $ASK WL 'wavelength for select. scatt. mod.' MODEL 1; HARVEY 0.001 -1.2 !! Preliminary model for mirror scatter MODEL 2; HARVEY 0.017 -1.2 0.001 !! Alternative model for mirror scatter MODEL 3; HARVEY 0.01 -1.2 !! Model for a bad or very dusty mirror MODEL 4; HARVEY 0.17 -1.2 0.001 !! Alternative model for bad or dusty mirror $IF (WL) GE 0.11; $GO wlong MODEL 5; LAMBERTIAN 0.188 !! Lambertian model for 100 micron, AMES 24E MODEL 6; HARVEY 0.22 -0.3 !! Alternative model for 100 micron, AMES 24E COATING PROPERTIES; 0.188 0 'REFCURVE' !! Assumed refl. for curved edges $GO wshort wlong MODEL 5; LAMBERTIAN 0.235 !! Lambertian model for 200 micron, AMES 24E MODEL 6; HARVEY 0.15 -0.2 !! Alternative model for 200 micron, AMES 24E COATING PROPERTIES; 0.235 0 'REFCURVE' !! Assumed refl. for curved edges wshort MODEL 7; HARVEY 10 -1 PLOT !! Prelim. model for "wavy" MLI (on sunshade only) !! This model certainly must be updated and changed !!$IO !!$IO OUTPUT 6 !! *************************************************************************** !! ******* Defin. scatter./refl. propert. for the various objects ******** SCAT=1; NN=1 !! NN is a parameter used later in the raytrace to limit the !! output in the various PATHS TOTAL. Its final size depend on !! NSCAT and the scatterings at various stages LEVEL 6 1E-30 $ASK SCAT 'GOTO mrksix, if SCAT=0' $IF (SCAT) EQ 0; $GO mrksix !! ********** scattering at Sunshade (MLI) ********** !! This scatter will be quite specular, especially in the far infrared. !! However, as the MLI most likely has a "wavy" surface, the real scattering !! may be a relatively high Harvey-like function SUNSHSCT=0 $ASK SUNSHSCT 'GOTO mrkone, if SUNSHSCT = 0' $IF (SUNSHSCT) EQ 0; $GO mrkone OBJECT CENTSHADE; SCATTER MODEL 7; TOWARDS EDGE (TARSUNSH) (NSCAT) OBJECT RIGHTSHADE; SCATTER MODEL 7; TOWARDS EDGE (TARSUNSH) (NSCAT) OBJECT LEFTSHADE; SCATTER MODEL 7; TOWARDS EDGE (TARSUNSH) (NSCAT) NN=NN*NSCAT mrkone !! ******* scattering at Cryostat Cavity and Cryostat Cover ******** !! Surfaces are made out of Aluminium. It is supposed preliminarily that they !! are coated with AMES 24E. !! AMES 24E is one of the very few black paints developed and also measured!! !! especially for far infrared, showing the best properties so far for 100 and !! 200 micrometers wavelength (S.M. Smith, SPIE Vol. 967, p. 248-254) CAVSCAT=1 $ASK CAVSCAT 'GOTO mrktwo, if CAVSCAT = 0' $IF (CAVSCAT) EQ 0; $GO mrktwo OBJECT OUTCAVT; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARPLUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT OUTCAVB; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARMINUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT CAVTPE; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARMINUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT CRYCOVER; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARCOVER) (NSCAT) TOWARDS EDGE (TARPLUS) (NSCAT) !! Object CAVOTUBE is defined absorbing NN=NN*NSCAT mrktwo !! ******* scattering/ reflection at CVV ********* !! Surfaces are made out of Aluminium. It is supposed preliminarily that they !! are coated with AMES 24E. Object CVVTOR is assumed to reflect specular with !! the reflection coefficient according to integral reflect. of AMES 24E CVVSCAT=1 $ASK CVVSCAT 'GOTO mrkthree, if CVVSCAT = 0' $IF (CVVSCAT) EQ 0; $GO mrkthree OBJECT CVVPT; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARPLUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT CVVPB; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARMINUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT CVVTUBET; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARPLUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT CVVTUBEB; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARMINUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT CVVTOR; INTERFACE COATING REFCURVE NN=NN*NSCAT mrkthree !! ******* scattering/reflection at radiation shields 1 to 3 ******** !! Surfaces are made out of Aluminium. It is supposed preliminarily that they !! are coated with AMES 24E. Objects TORSHT?, TORSHB? are assumed to reflect !! specular with a high reflection coefficient. Due to the small radius it is !! considered not possible to coat them with black paint, without increasing !! this radius significantly. MLI objects MLITOP? and TORMLI? are also !! considered to have high specular reflectivity. CRYOSCAT=1 $ASK CRYOSCAT 'GOTO mrkfour, if CRYOSCAT = 0' $IF (CRYOSCAT) EQ 0; $GO mrkfour $DO 1 3 { OBJECT SHLDT?; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARPLUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT SHLDB?; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARMINUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT TORSHT?; INTERFACE COATING REFL OBJECT TORSHB?; INTERFACE COATING REFL OBJECT TUBESH?; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARMINUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT TUBEBAF?; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARPLUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT MLITOP?; INTERFACE COATING REFL OBJECT TORMLI?; INTERFACE COATING REFL } NN=NN*NSCAT mrkfour !! ******* scattering/reflection at instrument shield ******** !! Surfaces are made out of Aluminium. It is supposed preliminarily that they !! are coated with AMES 24E. MLI objects MLITOP0 and TORMLI0 are considered !! to have high specular reflectivity. INSTSCAT=1 $ASK INSTSCAT 'GOTO mrkfive, if INSTSCAT = 0' $IF (INSTSCAT) EQ 0; $GO mrkfive OBJECT SHLDT0; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARPLUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT SHLDB0; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARMINUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT TUBESH0; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARPLUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT MLITOP0; INTERFACE COATING REFL OBJECT TORMLI0; INTERFACE COATING REFL NN=NN*NSCAT mrkfive !! ******* scattering at additional shields ********* ADDSCAT=0 $IF (ADDSH) EQ 0; $GO mrksix $ASK ADDSCAT 'GOTO mrksix, if ADDSCAT = 0' $IF (ADDSCAT) EQ 0; $GO mrksix OBJECT BLENDTA; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARPLUS) (NSCAT) TOWARDS EDGE (TARMINUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT BLENDTB; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARPLUS) (NSCAT) TOWARDS EDGE (TARMINUS) (NSCAT) OBJECT BLENDTC; SCATTER MODEL 5; TOWARDS EDGE (TARPLUS) (NSCAT) TOWARDS EDGE (TARMINUS) (NSCAT) NN=NN*NSCAT mrksix !!$IO !! *********************************************************************** !! ******* Raytrace (Test of scatterings) ********* TEST=1 $ASK TEST 'no raytrace, if TEST = 0' $IF (TEST) EQ 0; $GO notest $IO VECTOR REWIND XDT1=-110; XDT2=XDT1+0.1; XDT3=XDT2+0.1 RDET1=200; RDET2=RDET1/SQRT(10); RDET3=RDET1/10 SURFACE; PLANE X (XSHLDT0+XDT1) ELLIP 2@(RDET1) !! Defin. of arbitr. coll. OBJECT; 0.1 'COLLECT1' !! element 1 below Instr. sh. SURFACE; PLANE X (XSHLDT0+XDT2) ELLIP 2@(RDET2) !! Defin. of arbitr. coll. OBJECT; 0.1 'COLLECT2' !! element 2 below Instr. sh. SURFACE; PLANE X (XSHLDT0+XDT3) ELLIP 2@(RDET3) !! Defin. of arbitr. coll. OBJECT; 0.1 'COLLECT3' !! element 3 below Instr. sh. ALPHA=-30; NRAYY=50 !! inc. angle and numb. of rays $ASK NRAYY 'number of rays in each direction' NRAYZ=NRAYY !!$IF (NRAYY) GT 150; XMEMORY MIN 'D:\asappgs\ASAP.PGS' PLOTTEDR=50 !! About number orig. rays traced in drawing NRTOT=NN*NRAYY*NRAYZ !! about total number of rays in raytrace RAYX=-COS[ALPHA]; RAYY=0; RAYZ=SIN[ALPHA] CONSIDER EXCEPT CENTSHADE RIGHTSHADE LEFTSHADE $IO OUTPUT 6 WINDOW X Z PROFILE OVERLAY 'TEST1' RINC=1.02*RHLCAV GRID ELLIP X (XCAVTOP) -4@(RINC) (NRAYY) (NRAYZ) SOURCE DIR (RAYX) (RAYY) (RAYZ) MOVE BY X (20) TRACE PLOT (INT(NRTOT/PLOTTEDR)) STATS LIMP=1E-5 LIM1=40000; LIM2=4*LIM1; LIM3=4*LIM2 $IF (NRTOT) GT (LIM3); $GO nopath $IF (NRTOT) GT (LIM2); $GO npathtwo $IF (NRTOT) GT (LIM1); $GO npathone CONSIDER ONLY COLLECT1 PATHS (LIMP) TOTAL npathone CONSIDER ONLY COLLECT2 PATHS (LIMP) TOTAL npathtwo CONSIDER ONLY COLLECT3 PATHS (LIMP) TOTAL nopath $SCR 6 NRAYY,Z =\NRAYY. \ \NRAYZ. \ NSCAT=\NSCAT. \ RINC=\RINC. \ RAYX,Y,Z=\RAYX. \ \RAYY. \ \RAYZ. \ ALPHA=\ALPHA. \ XDT1= \XDT1. \ RDET1,2,3= \RDET1. \ \RDET2. \ \RDET3. \ NRTOT = \NRTOT. \ LIMP= \LIMP. \ Limits: RORADS=\RORADS. \ LRMIRCAV=\LRMIRCAV.\ LRINSTS=\LRINSTS.\ LRINRS=\LRINRS. \ notest CONSIDER ALL $IO VECTOR REWIND !!CONSIDER EXCEPT CENTSHADE RIGHTSHADE LEFTSHADE PLOT FACETS 3 3 CONSIDER ALL $IO OUTPUT 6 $IO END