Manual Commanding tests ----------------------- Mode_Go2BasicREDY Switch to REDY mode SDET_OFF Spectrometer detector switch off SMEC_OFF Spectrometer Mechanism switch off SPIRE_BSM_INIT_P Beam Steering Mirror initialisation (Prime side) SPIRE_BSM_OFF Beam Steering Mirrorswitch off SPIRE_BSM_ON_P Beam Steering Mirror switch on (Prime side) SPIRE_DPU_START_SP Digital Processing Unit start SPIRE_DRCU_START Detector Readout and Control Unit start SPIRE_PDET_OFF Photometer detector switch off SPIRE_PDET_ON_P Photometer detector switch on (Prime side) SPIRE_SDET_OFF Spectrometer detector switch off SPIRE_SMEC_OFF Spectrometer Mechanism switch off SPIRE-CP-BSM-INIT-P Beam Steering Mirror initialisation (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-BSM-OFF-P Beam Steering Mirror switch off (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-CREC-MANUAL-P Cooler recycle (manual) SPIRE-CP-DNS-SPEC-P Set Spectrometer detector nominal settings SPIRE-CP-FUNC-13-SLW160-P Spectrometer BDA integrity check (load curves) with bias freq. 160 Hz (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-13-SLW240-P Spectrometer BDA integrity check (load curves) with bias freq. 240 Hz (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-13-SLW80-P Spectrometer BDA integrity check (load curves) with bias freq. 80 Hz (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-BSM-01-P Beam Steering Mirror chop/jiggle sensors check (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-BSM-03-P Beam Steering Mirror open loop dynamics check (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-BSM-05A-P Beam Steering Mirror open loop chop test (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-BSM-05B-P Beam Steering Mirror closed loop chop test (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-BSM-06-P Beam Steering Mirror closed loop operational mode chop test (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-DCU-02-P Detector Control Unit nominal science contents check (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-DCU-11-PHOT-P Photometer BDA switch on (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-DCU-11-SLW-P Spectrometer SLW BDA switch on (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-DCU-11-SPEC-P Spectrometer BDA switch on (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-DCU-13-PHOT-P Photometer BDA integrity check (load curves) (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-DCU-13-SPEC-P Spectrometer BDA integrity check (load curves) (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-DCU-14-PHOT-P Photometer BDA noise check (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-DCU-14-SPEC-P Spectrometer BDA noise check (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-MCU-01-P Mechanism Control Unit boot check (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-MCU-03-P Mechanism Control Unit nominal science contents check (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-NHK Set Nominal Housekeeping to nominal rate (1Hz) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-NHK-P Set Nominal Housekeeping to nominal rate (1Hz) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-PCAL-01-P PCAL Characterisation test (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-PTC-PID-SUBKTEMP Photometer Temperature Control PID tuning test SPIRE-CP-FUNC-SCAL-01-P SCAL Characterisation test (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-SCAL2-PID-P SCAL PID tuning test SPIRE-CP-FUNC-SCU-02-P Subsystem Control Unit nominal science contents check (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-SCU-03-P Subsystem Control Unit DC thermometry check (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-SCU-06-P Subsystem Control Unit AC thermometry check (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-SCU-07-P Sorption Cooler Heaters Check (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-SMEC-01-LVDT-P Spectrometer Mechanism LVDT check (Prime side) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-SMEC-02A-P Release Spectrometer Mechanism Latch SPIRE-CP-FUNC-SMEC-04A-P Spectrometer Open Loop Scans (small range: 1-25mm) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-SMEC-09-P Spectrometer Open Loop Scans (full range: 1-40mm) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-SMEC-LVDT-INIT-P Spectrometer LVDT initialisation (automated) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-SMEC-LVDT-P Spectrometer LVDT initialisation (interactive) SPIRE-CP-FUNC-SMEC-LVDT-SCAN-P Spectrometer LVDT scans SPIRE-CP-PDET-OFF-P Photometer detectors switch off SPIRE-CP-PHASEUP-SPEC160-P Spectrometer Phase Up SPIRE-CP-PHASEUP-SPEC240-P Spectrometer Phase Up SPIRE-CP-PHASEUP-SPEC80-P Spectrometer Phase Up SPIRE-CP-PHOT-VSS-P Photometer VSS test SPIRE-CP-REDY-P Switch Nominal Housekeeping to REDY mode sampling (0.25 Hz) SPIRE-CP-RESET-SPEC-OFFSETS Reset Spectrometer detector offsets SPIRE-CP-SDET-OFF-P Spectrometer detector switch off SPIRE-CP-SMEC-CRYOCOVER-SCANS-P Spectrometer SLW cryocover scans using LVDT SPIRE-CP-SMEC-FUNC-FFOFFSET-P Spectrometer Mechanism feed forward offset and gain test SPIRE-CP-SMEC-OFF-P Spectrometer Mechanism switch off SPIRE-CP-SPEC-PCAL-FLASH Spectrometer PCAL flash SPIRE-CP-SPEC-VSS-P Spectrometer VSS test Mission Timeline Observations: Photometer Section no. in Michaels doc. ----------------------------------------- SpireEngCoolerRecycle Cooler Recycle SpireEngPHOT_STBYtoREDY Photometer STBY to REDY SpireEngREDYtoPHOT_STBY Photometer REDY to STBY SpirePhoto_Cal_BsmAngleCal Photometer BSM Angle Calibration 6.1.12 SpirePhoto_Cal_BsmPcalFlash Photometer BSM Pcal Flash 6.1.13 SpirePhoto_Cal_BsmPidTuning BSM PID Tuning 6.1.14 SpirePhoto_Cal_IltPcalFlash Photometer ILT PCAL Flash 6.1.17 SpirePhoto_Cal_JfetVssTestC Photometer VSS test SpirePhoto_Cal_LoadCurvePcalOn Photometer Load Curve Pcal On 6.1.7 SpirePhoto_Cal_MultiLevelNoise Photometer Multi Level Noise 6.1.2 SpirePhoto_Cal_PcalLevelCheck Photometer PCAL Level Check 6.1.17 SpirePhoto_Cal_PhaseUp Photometer Phase Up 6.1.1 SpirePhoto_Cal_PtcPwr Photometer Temperature Control power test SpirePhoto_Cal_StdLoadCurve Photometer Standard Load Curve 6.1.5 SpirePhoto_CalGCO_FovMapCrossRaster Photometer FOV Mapping Cross Raster 6.1.11 SpirePhoto_CalGCO_FovMapFpgScan Photometer FOV Mapping Line Scan (FPG scan) 6.1.9 SpirePhoto_CalGCO_FpgInitialPointing Photometer Focal Plane Geometry (Initial Pointing) 6.1.8 SpirePhoto_CalGCO_TransRespoAndDynBeamPr Photometer Transient Response and Dynamic Beam Profile 6.1.15 SpirePhotoPcalFlash Photometer AOT PCAL Flash 6.1.19 SpirePhotoPointJiggle Photometer 7 point jiggle map (AOT) Photometer Thermal Stability 6.1.4 SpirePhoto_Cal_PcalLoadCurve Photometer PCAL Load Curve 6.1.6 Photometer FOV Mapping Large Raster (FPG raster) 6.1.10 SpirePhotoPeakup Photometer Peakup Mode 6.1.20 Mission Timeline Observations: Spectrometer ------------------------------------------ SpireSpectro_Cal_PcalLoadCurve Spectrometer Load Curve Pcal On SpireSpectro_Cal_PhaseUp Spectrometer Phase Up 6.2.1 SpireSpectro_Cal_MultiLevelNoise Spectrometer Multi Level Noise 6.2.2 SpireSpectro_Cal_StdLoadCurve Spectrometer Standard Load Curve 6.2.3 Spectrometer Focal Plane Geometry 6.2.4 SpireSpectro_Cal_BsmAngleCal Spectrometer BSM Angle Calibration 6.2.5 SpireSpectro_Cal_IltPcalFlash Spectrometer PCAL Standard Flash 6.2.6 SpireSpectroPcalFlash Spectrometer PCAL AOT Flash 6.2.7 SpireSpectro_Cal_PcalLevelCheck Spectrometer PCAL Level Check 6.2.8 SpireSpectro_CalGCO_FovMapFpgScan Spectrometer Field of View Mapping 6.2.9 SpireSpectro_CalGCO_FixedSmecBeamProfile Spectrometer Fixed SMEC Beam Profile 6.2.10 SpireSpectro_CalGCO_ScannedSmecBeamProfile Spectrometer Scanned Beam Profile 6.2.11 SpireSpectro_CalGCO_FpgInitialPointing Spectrometer Focal Plane Geometry (Initial Pointing) SpireSpectro_CalGCO_FovMapCrossRaster Spectrometer FOV Mapping Cross Raster