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Operational Day Logs

The full log for each operational day. Observed SPIRE days are coloured grey, and future scheduled SPIRE days are coloured pink. The column 'AOR Params' contains the full list of parameters used in HSPOT to plan the observation.

The overall combined log can be found here

Only the last 30 days are shown below. Click here for ALL days from OD6 onwards.

A log of manual commanding operations can be found on the TWiki here

Scheduled observations in future ODs:

Operational DayStart TimeEnd TimeAOR Params

Observed ODs:

Operational DayStart TimeEnd TimeAOR Params
14912013-06-12 11:15:00 UTC 2013-06-13 09:05:00 UTC
14902013-06-11 09:05:00 UTC 2013-06-12 11:15:00 UTC
14892013-06-10 10:55:00 UTC 2013-06-11 09:05:00 UTC
14882013-06-09 10:45:00 UTC 2013-06-10 10:55:00 UTC
14872013-06-08 10:35:00 UTC 2013-06-09 10:45:00 UTC
14862013-06-07 10:25:00 UTC 2013-06-08 10:35:00 UTC
14852013-06-06 10:15:00 UTC 2013-06-07 10:25:00 UTC
14842013-06-05 10:05:00 UTC 2013-06-06 10:15:00 UTC
14832013-06-04 09:55:00 UTC 2013-06-05 10:05:00 UTC
14822013-06-03 09:45:00 UTC 2013-06-04 09:55:00 UTC
14812013-06-02 09:40:41 UTC 2013-06-03 09:45:00 UTC
14802013-06-01 09:44:24 UTC 2013-06-02 09:40:41 UTC
14792013-05-31 09:48:05 UTC 2013-06-01 09:44:24 UTC
14782013-05-30 09:51:46 UTC 2013-05-31 09:48:05 UTC
14772013-05-29 09:55:26 UTC 2013-05-30 09:51:46 UTC
14762013-05-28 09:59:04 UTC 2013-05-29 09:55:26 UTC
14752013-05-27 13:47:04 UTC 2013-05-28 09:59:04 UTC 1475
14742013-05-26 13:47:51 UTC 2013-05-27 13:47:04 UTC
14732013-05-25 13:48:38 UTC 2013-05-26 13:47:51 UTC
14722013-05-24 13:49:27 UTC 2013-05-25 13:48:38 UTC
14712013-05-23 13:50:16 UTC 2013-05-24 13:49:27 UTC
14702013-05-22 13:51:07 UTC 2013-05-23 13:50:16 UTC
14692013-05-21 14:00:00 UTC 2013-05-22 13:51:07 UTC
14682013-05-20 14:10:00 UTC 2013-05-21 14:00:00 UTC
14672013-05-19 14:20:00 UTC 2013-05-20 14:10:00 UTC
14662013-05-18 14:30:00 UTC 2013-05-19 14:20:00 UTC
14652013-05-17 14:40:00 UTC 2013-05-18 14:30:00 UTC
14642013-05-16 14:50:00 UTC 2013-05-17 14:40:00 UTC
14632013-05-15 11:15:00 UTC 2013-05-16 14:50:00 UTC
14622013-05-14 14:50:00 UTC 2013-05-15 11:15:00 UTC

Only the last 30 days are shown above. Click here for ALL days from OD6 onwards.

Explanation of log files

The columns in the table are:

Where '**' appears in the table, this means a value could not be found for that parameter.

Where 'var' appears in the table, this means that the parameter varied during the observation.

Where 'N/A' appears in the table, this means that the parameter was not valid for the observation.

Where 'no pointing' appears in the table, this means that no HSpot pointing information could be found in the database.