Data Request

The Polaris filament network
André (CEA Saclay) for the
Gould Belt survey Key Programme Consortium
and A. Abergel (IAS Orsay)
for the Evolution of Interstellar Dust
Key Programme Consortium.

Data requests are used to retrieve files. These files can be science files (fits files, Ascii files...) or postcards (jpg files). They are HTTP requests that the user will have to build using several parameters. Once this request is sent, the HSA backend will return one HTML link to download one specific file.

There are three types of data requests:

The kind of request you want to use is defined by the parameters RESOUCE_CLASS and/or RETRIEVAL_TYPE. Depending on its value, your request will be processed differently and different combination of parameters will be expected.

All the data requests have the following HTTP prefix:

Please note that:

Product requests

One data request will provide, as response, one link to download one of the following options:

Herschel's view of GOODS-South
ESA/GOODS-Herschel consortium/NASA/JPL-Caltech
/David Elbaz

Table 4: Product request parameters
Parameter name(s) Description Possible values
OBSERVATION_ID Unique identifier of the observation we want to retrieve Any integer value
URN Several URNs can be provided. If a single URN is provided, the requested product is served throuhg the HTTP connection. If more that one URN is provided, a Virtual TAR is generated and served through the HTTP connection. Any value of Product HCSS_URN
PROTOCOL If this parameter does not appear, an intermediate html page will be displayed in a human readable way. HTTP
METADATA If this parameter does not appear, the already ingested product is returned. If this parameter appears and its value is 'true', a FITS file containing product metadata only is returned. TRUE
REQUESTFILE_XML If this parameter is present, urn and metadata parameters are discarded. XML ingestion request file name.
OBSID Product Metadata attribute Any integer value.
If PRODUCT_LEVEL is ALL, an HSA Tarball wit the complete observation is generated and served through HTTP connection.
If PRODUCT_LEVEL is equal to any of Auxiliary, Calibration, etc, An HSA Tarball with the selected proudctus, is generated and serverd through HTTP connection.
The following is a list with the possible values:
  • All
  • Auxiliary
  • Calibration
  • Level0
  • Level0_5
  • Level1
  • Level2
  • Level2_5
  • Level3
COMPRESSION If this parameter is pressent, a Tar compressed in 'tar.gz' format is generated and served through HTTP the connection TARGZ


Product postcard requests

A Product postcard request will provide, as response, a JPG file. This file contains the product postcard associated to an observation and should be ingested into HSA. The file name shall follow some rules specified in the HSA-HCSS ICD.

Table 5: Postcard request parameters
Parameter name(s) Description Mandatory? Possible values
OBSERVATION_ID Unique identifier of the observation we want to retrieve YES Any integer value
RETRIEVALTYPE Type of retrieval. In this case 'POSTCARD' YES POSTCARD


Login requests

A client can do login into the HAIO by invoking the any of the urls described in the examples below.

The server will return a HTTP cookie that should be used in a product retrieval in order to accesss proprietary data. In case of login problem, an HTTP error ( login error ) will be raised ( See HSA-HCSS ICD for further information ).

All the data requests have the following HTTP prefix:

Please note that:

Table 6: Login request parameters
Parameter name(s) Description Mandatory? Possible values
USERNAME User name YES Any alphanumerical combination
PASSWORD User password YES Any alphanumerical combination but not less than four characters.
PROTOCOL If this parameter does not appear, an intermediate html page will be displayed in a human readable way. NOT HTTP
